Dr. Umesh Marathe
Diploma In ART (Germany),
Fellowship In MAS(Kochi), MB, DGO, DFP, (MICHCH)
Fellowship In MAS(Kochi), MB, DGO, DFP, (MICHCH)
20+ Years Experience Overall
Laparoscopy Specialist
He consults patients with various infertility problems, goes to the core of the problem and advises accordingly. Dr. Umesh R. Marathe is in Gynecologist in practice for last 25 years. His infertility management not only includes medical management and ART procedures but also counseling for stress management and lifestyle modification. Many patients have benefited with this different approach to their problem.
He has been at the Forefront of Assisted Reproductive Technology since 1996. He has worked with thousands of infertile patients over the last decade using a combination of attentive personal care and advanced medical technology.